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Beauty & Care Herbal stamps body 2 x 150 g

Product description

Thai Herbal Stamps Body

Thai herbal stamps are available that are adapted to the body. They are guided over the meridians by means of a stamp massage with pressure points. 1 pack contains 2 x 150 grams of Thai herbal stamps for the body.


  • Relaxes stiff muscles by reducing pain, tension and cramping
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Because the Thai Herbal Stamp is heated before use, it opens the pores upon contact with the skin. This ensures that the herbs can be better absorbed by the body

Composition Thai herbal stamps body

TamarindLemongrass oilCamphor


Helps the skin the other ingredients
record faster.


Its antiseptic properties
help cleanse the skin.


The refreshing and tingling sensation
helps strengthen the skin.

TurmericKaffir limeAcacia


The antiseptic properties help
to soften the skin and the irritated
to cleanse skin.

Kaffir lime

Resembles the lemon and is used in traditional Indonesian medicines.


To a small extent good for the circulation of substances, the skin and the female sex appeal.

Ginger oilpandanPatchouli oil


Prevents nausea and relaxes the muscles.



Has a healing effect against all kinds of tropical discomfort, has an antiviral effect, is anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory.


Calming and strengthening, it promotes cell growth and thus helps to keep the skin supple.



Thai herbal back massage


- Give a massage with traditional means

- Wet the spice stamps at the bottom and heat them in a rice steamer

- Check the temperature of the stamp on the back of the hand before use

- 'Mark' the back and legs according to a Thai massage technique

- Rub the skin clean so that no herb residues remain on the skin

Heating the Thai herbal stamps

Option 1 Heat the spice stamps in an electric (rice) steamer.

When the water boils: slightly moisten the stamps with water, then place in the electric steamer.
After about 10-15 minutes the stamps are well heated.
The advantage of a steamer is that the Thai herbal stamps can always be put back in the steamer when they are not being used so that they are already warmed up for when they are used again in a few minutes.

Option 2 Heat the spice stamp in a metal colander in a steamer

Simple solution for home use: use a metal colander that you hang in a pan with gently boiling water. When the water boils: slightly moisten the stamps with water, then place in the colander or steamer.
After about 10-15 minutes the stamps are well heated.

Option 3 Heat the herbal stamp in the microwave

The Thai herbal stamps can also be heated in the microwave. Wet them a little bit at the bottom and put them in the microwave at 750 watts for 1 minute.
Always check the temperature of the stamp on yourself first (e.g. on the forearm) before placing it on the client's skin.
So this is the fastest way to work with it.

The Thai Herbal Stamp Massage

Do not press the herbal stamps too hard on the skin at first, but place them loosely on the skin and make a rocking motion until the herbal stamp has cooled slightly. Always work with one spice stamp, in the meantime the other spice stamp is in the steamer to come up to temperature. Do not use massage oil.

With the herbal stamps, circular movements can be made along the meridian lines on the back of the client: press slightly, make a few circles and move to the next place. After each job you can take a hot herbal stamp. You always keep contact with the skin with one herbal sachet.

Time Herbal stamp massage

A herbal stamp can be used for 5 to 7 minutes, depending on the room temperature. It is recommended to use 2 herbal stamps during a treatment. The treatment takes about 15 minutes when the herbal stamps are warm.

Note: turmeric can cause stains on clothing and bath towels. Therefore, use loose, old clothing or make sure that the guest is clean after the treatment.

For hygiene reasons, give the herbal stamps to the guest after the treatment so that the herbal stamps can still be used in the bath at home.


If the guest feels swelling, heat or pain in the muscles, the herbal stamp should be postponed. Then wait 24 to 48 hours and see if his condition improves before treatment.

How are Thai herbal stamps made?

Dry herbsdrying ovenSelect herbsHerbs bumps

1. Dry herbs

First of all, the herbs are dried in the open air

2. Drying oven

Then the herbs are dried in the drying oven

3. Sort out

After this, the herbs are selected

4. Bolt herbs

Then the spices
built in big bags

Binding herbal stampsPackage herbal stamps airtightHerbal stamp boxesHerbal stamps use

5. Bind

With the herbs from the bags
and cheesecloths, the herbal stamps are tied by hand


6. Packing

After the herbal stamps are bound, they are air-
and waterproof packaging


7. Boxed

The parcels are put in boxes
done so that they can be delivered easily
to the customer

8. Use

Usually 2 herbal stamps per body treatment are used during the treatment


Product specifications

Article number
14 x 14 x 23


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    Posted by: 0964 on 6 October 2023
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