FiltersTags Prijs MinimumTo MaximumBrands All brands Beauty & CareProducts tagged with aromastone small Filter2 productsShow:12243672Sort by:Sort byPopularityNew ProductsLowest priceHighest priceName ascendingName descendingAromastone 6.5 cm diameterThe aroma stone is very suitable for rooms where the light of an aroma lamp is not desired. Put 3 to 8 drops of essential oil on the aromastone and enjoy the wonderful scent.€8,95 QuantityAromastone Giftset 2 x 20 ml + 2 aromastonesThis Aromastone package contains two aroma stones and lotus perfume and rose musk perfume in 20 ml bottles. Put 3 to 4 drops of essential oil on the aromastone and enjoy the wonderful scent.€34,99 Quantity