Menthol Crystals are cooling and refreshing!
What are Menthol Crystals used for?
Menthol Crystals have a powerful antiseptic effect and are very refreshing and cooling. They purify the air, increase attention, concentration and ease breathing. They work well for study, meditation, flu, colds and in work groups. They can be a relief for asthma patients.
In the sauna, dissolve before the sauna, skin care creams, dissolve in essential oils so that they can easily be used in aromatherapy treatments.
Use 1: in the sauna
First pour with ice or water and then put a few crystals on the stove in a scoop of ice. Let them melt on the stove.
Use 2: dissolve before the sauna
The crystals can also be dissolved in alcohol or lukewarm water before use. A solution of 2 to 10% is most convenient. Please note the risk of fire, so always add water or ice before pouring alcohol. Our mixing guideline is to apply 25 ml (alcohol incl. menthol crystals) to 5 liters of water. You can adjust this amount as needed.
Use 3: in creams
You can apply a small amount of crystals in an ointment to promote blood circulation. You can also add menthol as an alcoholic solution to anti-itch creams.
Use 4: dissolve in essential oils
Dissolve the crystals in essential oils such as Eucalyptus oil or Lavender oil to use the refreshing effect of the menthol in combination with another scent in the sauna.